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Motif Concept

The Inviting Line, the underscore of our CI, is an important symbolic element. It contains the message of “inviting you to join us in sharing.” When applied, it can be expanded/reduced according to the proportion of the image. An underscore applied in the same proportion to the original ensures consistency. The underscore expresses warmth and trustworthiness by supporting the CI image from the bottom.

Inviting Line image
Examples image
Motif extensibility image image

If the width/height ratio exceeds 4:1, only the width of the motif can be expanded. The motif should not exceed 1/10 of the height whilst keeping the clear space. However, signboards and banners are produced by prioritizing application regulations.


The Inviting Line motif runs through into the project icons. This enables us to explain the projects of Good Neighbors intuitively through visual methods. The use of appropriate icons can effectively communicate Good Neighbors' projects.

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